There’s SCIENCE behind all the fun!
Our programs are carefully designed to ensure that the exercises and activities stimulate, promote and/or rectify all neuro-motor and physical skills.
Lessons have fun themes to ensure that your child has as much fun as possible while growing stronger and smarter!

This programme focuses on the sensory-motor development of your baby to ensure optimal physical and cognitive development. By using appropriate, stimulating activities the Kinderkineticist can assist and encourage milestone development!
Benefits of Baby Stimulation & Massage:
- Stimulation of individual sensory systems: Auditory, Visual, Tactile, Proprioceptive, Vestibular,
- Helps develop good muscle tone, coordination and suppleness,
- Individualised programmes according to your baby’s needs,
- Improved eating and sleeping patterns,
- Boosts brain development.

This programme provides toddlers with a safe but challenging environment where they can explore their movement capabilities in a relatively informal manner.
It focuses on developing skills such as:
- Locomotor skills (running, skipping, jumping etc.),
- Balance (both static and dynamic),
- Hand-eye coordination (ball skills),
- Bilateral Coordination,
- Rhythm and timing,
- Body awareness,
- Spatial Orientation,
- Muscle Strength.

This programme improves the fundamental motor skills which act as the building blocks for school readiness and sport skills.
This program focuses on:
- Locomotor skills (running, one-legged jumping, skipping etc.),
- Balance (both static and dynamic),
- Muscle strength and endurance (especially core muscles),
- Bilateral coordination & Motor planning,
- Ball skills (hand-eye coordination),
- Crossing the midline,
- Rhythm and timing,
- Spatial orientation.

This therapeutic programme is specially designed according to the unique needs of the child as determined by scientific evaluations. Ideal for children with physical, motor and/or cognitive delays.
This programme addresses the following:
- Perceptual & Visual Motor Skills,
- Body awareness (Proprioceptive & Vestibular Systems),
- Postural & Gait defects,
- Physical Fitness and Weight Management,
- Core strength,
- Balance,
- Motor planning & Coordination,
- Midline Crossing.
Based on experience as well as the use of certain test batteries, Kinderkineticists is able to identify any developmental delays or disabilities that might be in need of further assessment or intervention. If necessary we will refer to other medical-related professions.

This programme is designed to improve all aspects of physical fitness that will prepare children for sport participation. An exciting variety of exercises, games and equipment is used so that being active and becoming fit is FUN!
Children younger than 13 should rather try out a variety of sports to master the fundamental movement skills before specializing. By doing this they improve their all-around physical conditioning, prevent the risk of injury and develop important life skills such as problem-solving, communication and teamwork.
This programme focuses on the following aspects:
- Improves motor skills: Flexibility, Agility, Strength, Endurance, Balance, Visual Perception, Coordination and Ball Skills,
- Teaches kids about sportsmanship and teamwork,
- Lays the foundation for sport-specific skills,
- Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence,
- Increases cardiovascular fitness,
- Develops social skills,
- Stimulates brain development,
- Improves academic performance.