About Us

What is Kinderkinetics?

Kinderkinetics is an exciting specialized paediatric field which aims to increase the total well-being of typical and atypical developing children between 0 to 13 years of age.  This is done by developing, stimulating, promoting, and rectifying age specific neuro-motor, sensory-motor and physical skills. 

Kinderkinetics is not a franchise. The profession of Kinderkinetics as a degree is currently presented by various Universities throughout South Africa. As a Paediatric Exercise Science, it is studied intensively over a 4-year period and consists of various programs based on scientific and well-researched motor learning principles.

In other words, Kinderkinetics is the ultimate gross motor development program for optimal cognitive and physical development!

Who works with your child?

All Edukinetics programs are designed and presented by highly trained health care practitioners called Kinderkineticists.  All Kinderkineticists working at Edukinetics are registered at the South African Professional Institute for Kinderkinetics (also called SAPIK). Most importantly they have an inherent love for children and are passionate about contributing to children’s development through Kinderkinetics.

Click Here to meet the Edukinetics team!

More about Edukinetics

Edukinetics was founded in 2018. Since then we’ve been so blessed and the Edukinetics family has been growing every year. We believe in going the extra mile for our clients, celebrating every new milestone our little humans achieve and building relationships with their families. Being a part of a child’s development is a privilege and we are so grateful for each and every hand we get to hold.

Our promise to our clients is that our love and passion for their child’s wellness will forever be evident in our service.


Edukinetics’ vision is to foster a life-long love of movement and physical activity in children at a young age, to ensure that they grow up to be active, healthy adults. We also want to promote and raise awareness of Kinderkinetics as a profession. Lastly, we want to collaborate with other professions and/or organisations who are also interested in advancing and promoting the importance of children’s motor development.
